Your Online Presence (warning – contains some offensive language)

Currently Listening To: Madhouse, by Anthrax

So I’m reading through some basic grammer lessons and favorite novels of mine. Trying to get my mechanics down so that when I begin editing, I can get these chapters right!

Though I find it funny that as I am reading through all the lessons…they all sound familiar to me. Rules such as using ‘who’ vs. ‘whom’ are buried deep in my brain.

Anyway, I’m diverting a bit from the usual post subjects to talk about news that caught my eye.

Stephanie Rice, an Australian swimmer who will be competing in the upcoming Olympics, posted a picture of herself in a low-cut bikini on Twitter.

Stephanie Rice

Photo Credit: CNN

This apparently drew criticism from folks on Twitter. Someone even wanted her to withdraw from the Olympics.

Now, I’m sure some of you are thinking Wait a minute, she’s a swimmer and she was posing in a bikini? What’s the big deal? Don’t worry, I’m on that boat too.

First, she’s been in trouble before for pictures or comments she’s made on social media sites before.

Second, holding athletes to higher standards of conduct seems to be the norm on social media sites.

But what does this have to do with us crazy writers? It’s unlikely we’ll be wearing bikinis and posting them on our blogs or Twitters for all to see. I haven’t seen any of my followers post something awfully crude or offensive.

However, many of us utilize social media. It’s important to remember that whatever we post, stays on the Internet. It helps to think twice before posting something and if you do post something that might be a bit offensive…well be prepared to get some nasty comments.

I always tell people that the Internet is your harshest critic. Post a video of yourself on Youtube and I would be shocked if you didn’t get comments like these:

An angry potty-mouth

I think he’s annoyed.

In short, just be prepared when you post content online.

Have a great holiday!

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